SESA Call for Entrepreneurs 2022
Siemens Stiftung on behalf of the Smart Energy Solutions for Africa (SESA) consortium is calling Small and Medium-sized Enterprises with a focus on sustainable energy solutions from Ghana, Malawi, Morocco and South Africa to apply for its first SESA Call for Entrepreneurs. Enterprises with innovative, scalable and impactful business ideas will join the SESA Incubator Programme and receive grant funding of up to 70,000 Euro. Women-led enterprises are particularly encouraged to apply.
Call for Entrepreneurs submission is officially closed
SESA aims to test, validate and later replicate scalable energy solutions in multiple locations supported by solid business models and partnerships between African and European stakeholders. SESA focuses on innovation within the three areas of (1) energy access, (2) productive use and (3) circular economy.
The uptake of new solutions and business models requires close cooperation between innovative entrepreneurs, local enterprises, industry, city administrations and research and academic institutions. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises can play a key role in this process through the provision of their innovative products or services and by having a positive social as well as environmental impact on their communities.
With the acceptance that energy access and productive use are strongly correlated with economic development, this first SESA Call for Entrepreneurs focuses primarily on Productive Use of Energy (PUE) solutions in Ghana, Malawi, Morocco and South Africa.
Country Challenges
The below country challenges provide further information on thematic and regional focus per country. For more details on the selection and evaluation process, please have a look at our application guidelines.
Country Challenge Ghana
Demand for energy in Ghana is increasing by ten per cent per year, requiring increased generating capacity. Ghana is focused on the development of electrical and other alternative fuel sources, with the aim to also reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. We believe that biomass-to-energy and/or waste-to-energy solutions hold a huge potential for Ghana with potential for environmental and social benefits.
To support these efforts, Siemens Stiftung on behalf of the SESA Consortium is looking for Ghanaian local innovators, start-ups and entrepreneurs to collaborate with SESA Partners in Ghana in promoting successful Productive Use of Energy approaches.
Productive Use of Energy refers to energy use that creates value, for example, increased productivity or income, job creation, or overall improvements to welfare in form of freeing up time and reducing effort and labour.
Fundable solutions fall within the following categories:
- Biomass-to-Energy Solutions (i.e. biogas for productive use in schools/ rural areas)
- Waste-to-Energy Solutions
- Energy Efficient Use Appliances (i.e. solar irrigation, cooling, drying, agro-processing)
- Power sources (i.e. solar panels, fire briquettes/ biomass pellets)
- Energy storage technologies (i.e. 2nd life batteries)
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Focus region: We particularly welcome applications that focus on rural areas in Ashanti region (for example Atwima Nwabiagya Municipal) as well as urban areas in Greater Accra region (for example Ga North Municipal).
Country Challenge Malawi
Malawi has committed to achieving “Sustainable Energy for All”, defining energy as a means to an end that can provide a platform for social and economic development. The third Malawian Growth and Development Strategy recognizes this central role of energy, citing it as “the lifeblood of the economy”, and laying out a goal to “provide sufficient sustainable energy for industrial and socioeconomic development”.
To support these efforts, Siemens Stiftung on behalf of the SESA Consortium is looking for Malawian innovators, start-ups and entrepreneurs that promote successful Productive Use of Energy approaches, particularly with a focus on rural areas.
Productive Use of Energy refers to energy use that creates value, for example, increased productivity or income, job creation, or overall improvements to welfare in form of freeing up time and reducing effort and labour. SESA’s definition of Productive of Energy includes electrical, thermal and mechanical power.
Fundable solutions fall within the following energy categories:
- Energy Efficient Use Appliances (i.e. solar irrigation, cooling, drying, agro-processing)
- Power sources (i.e. solar panels, fire briquettes/ biomass pellets)
- Energy storage technologies (i.e. batteries)
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Please note: We do not accept applications that focus on cook stove solutions.
Country Challenge Morocco
Each year, the energy demand in Morocco increases dramatically, necessitating an increase in producing capacity, particularly in rural regions. In its National Sustainable Development Strategy, Morocco has set out ambitious goals to enable the transition to a green and inclusive economy – with a particular focus on the electrification of rural areas.
The SESA Consortium believes that Productive Use of Energy approaches in rural areas, for example de-centralised mini-grids powered by solar energy, could have enormous environmental and social possibilities for Morocco and the African continent as a whole.
With the goal of bolstering economic growth in a sustainable manner and supporting the Morocco’s green transition, Siemens Stiftung is looking for Moroccan innovators, start-ups and social enterprises who focus on Productive Use of Energy approaches.
Productive Use of Energy refers to energy use that creates value, for example, increased productivity or income, job creation, or overall improvements to welfare in form of freeing up time and reducing effort and labour.
Fundable solutions fall within the following categories:
- Energy Efficient Use Appliances (i.e. solar irrigation, cooling, drying, agro-processing)
- Power sources (i.e. solar panels, fire briquettes/ biomass pellets)
- Energy storage technologies (i.e. 2nd life batteries)
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Focus region: We particularly welcome applications that focus on Marrakesh-Safi/Asfi Region or Grand Casablanca or Béni Mellal-Khénifra Region.
Country Challenge Morocco (FR)
Chaque année, la demande d’énergie au Maroc augmente de façon spectaculaire, nécessitant une augmentation de la capacité de production, en particulier dans les régions rurales. Dans sa stratégie nationale de développement durable, le Maroc a fixé des objectifs ambitieux pour permettre la transition vers une économie verte et inclusive – avec un accent particulier sur l’électrification des zones rurales. Le Consortium SESA estime que les propositions d’utilisation productive de l’énergie dans les zones rurales, par exemple les mini-réseaux décentralisés alimentés par l’énergie solaire, pourraient avoir d’énormes possibilités environnementales et sociales pour le Maroc et le continent africain dans son ensemble.
Dans le but de renforcer la croissance économique de manière durable et de soutenir la transition verte du Maroc, Siemens Stiftung cherche des innovateurs marocains, des start-ups et des entreprises sociales qui se concentrent dans le domaine de l’utilisation productive de l’énergie.
L’utilisation productive de l’énergie fait référence à l’utilisation de l’énergie qui crée de la valeur, par exemple, une augmentation de la productivité ou des revenus, la création d’emplois, ou l’améliorations générales du bien-être sous la forme d’un gain de temps et d’une réduction des efforts et du travail.
Les solutions finançables relèvent des catégories suivantes :
- Appareils à utilisation efficace de l’énergie (irrigation solaire, refroidissement, séchage, transformation des produits agricoles…)
- Sources d’énergie (panneaux solaires, briquettes de feu/pellets de biomasse…)
- Technologies de stockage de l’énergie (batteries de deuxième vie…).
- Technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC).
Région prioritaire : Nous apprécions particulièrement les candidatures qui se concentrent sur la région de Marrakech-Safi/Asfi, sur le Grand Casablanca ou de Béni Mellal-Khénifra.
Country Challenge South Africa
Reliable, affordable and sustainable energy access has been a challenge for many communities in South Africa. Although the lack of infrastructure in these regions represents a challenge, it also offers a unique opportunity and has vast implications for how the infrastructure of the future must be conceptualised, designed and operated.
With the acceptance that electricity access and use are strongly correlated with economic development, the SESA partners in South Africa are in the process of setting up a validation site in Alicedale located within the Eastern Cape, with the aim of testing and validating a containerised renewable energy system which comprises of solar photovoltaic panels and second life electric vehicle batteries for stationary energy storage embracing the circular economy framework. The system will additionally be coupled with a fleet of micro-electric utility vehicles on extending the produce use of energy. This would not only solve the energy accessibility but also open economic opportunities leading to job creation for the communities.
To support the above efforts, Siemens Stiftung on behalf of the SESA Consortium is looking for South African local innovators, start-ups and social enterprises with a focus on productive use of energy solutions to collaborate with SESA partners.
Productive Use of Energy refers to energy use that creates value, for example, increased productivity or income, job creation, or overall improvements to welfare in form of freeing up time and reducing effort and labour. SESA’s definition of Productive of Energy includes electrical, thermal and mechanical power.
Fundable solutions fall within the following energy categories:
- Power sources (i.e. containerised renewable energy systems with solar/PV panels)
- Energy storage technologies (i.e. second life electric vehicle batteries for stationary energy storage)
- Energy efficient uses (i.e. micro-utility vehicles)
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Regional focus: We welcome applications that focus on the Eastern Cape and with particular interest in expanding to the region of Alicedale.
Funding and SESA Incubator Programme
Each selected enterprise will receive funding from 50,000 Euro up to 70,000 Euro over a period of 18 months. They will also become a member of the SESA Incubator Programme run by the project partner Smart Innovation Norway. SESA consortium partners will evaluate the specific needs of your business and develop an individualised strategy to support you in one of our main topics: business development, organisational development, financial transparency, marketing, sales, and fundraising. Each funded company will have a dedicated mentor (local or international, as per the need) who shall provide regular support in the above-mentioned topics.
Who is qualified to apply?
We can only consider applications, which meet the below minimum criteria:
- Your enterprise must be registered and operationally active in Ghana, Malawi, Morocco or South Africa;
- Your enterprise must have officially been in operation for at least two years;
- Your enterprise must have generated revenues and provide financial statements for the last two years (if 2021 is not available yet, please provide financial statements for 2019 and 2020);
- Your enterprise must contribute to at least two of the SESA Key Performance Indicators (please see the application form for further detail);
- There are no pending litigations against your enterprise or members of its management team;
- Your application should meet the thematic focus of your country’s challenge.
Take a moment and have a look at our application guidelines.
Overall Timeframe
The work outlined in this Expression of Interest is scheduled to commence in January 2023 and be finalized by August 2024.
Submission Requirements
Applications must include all mandatory documents and must be submitted electronically via email to opencall@siemens-stiftung.org before the deadline of 20th of November 2022.
List of mandatory documents:
- Application Form
- Certificate of incorporation/association and registration certificate
- Financial statements for the last two years (if financial statements for 2021 are not available yet, please provide financial statements for 2020 and 2019)
- If you operate as a non-profit, hybrid organization (both non-profit and for-profit entities) or are governed by a charity/ NGO, we kindly request you to also submit: List of trustees and board members, Governance structure and if applicable, confirmation of tax-exempt status.
Please take a moment to read the application guidelines before applying. Do not hesitate to contact us in case of questions.
Data Protection
Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, BDSG) and other relevant data protection regulations. We process your data, some of which may be personal, solely for the purpose of carrying out the selection process within the framework of the SESA project.
Please read the following data protection regulations carefully before submitting your application. By submitting your application, you have given us consent to process personal data. You can revoke consent at any time with effect for the future.
SESA Call for Entrepreneurs Q&A Session
In case of questions or if you would like to nominate a social enterprise, please get in touch with Ms Elisabeth Biber at Siemens Stiftung. Please reach out to her at opencall@siemens-stiftung.org.