SESA’s objective is to mitigate climate change and avoid lock-in situations while improving access to sustainable energy under affordable and reliable conditions.

The project aims to achieve a high level of replicability of actions. As part of an effort to go beyond the state of the art and maximise the project’s impact, the project will co-develop innovations with local partners and cooperate closely with sister projects to exploit synergies.

Solutions that will be tested in this project have been selected on their basis of their replication potential. Demonstration concepts aim to integrate several solutions to provide essential energy services to rural and urban communities and create easily replicable business opportunities for local entrepreneurs.

To achieve the project objectives, SESA deploys a five-pillar conceptual approach which represents different levels of progress towards achieving set objectives.

Boost the accesibility of innovative, affordable and efficient renewable energy solutions in Africa. SESA will develop a comprehensive toolbox of sustainable energy solutions leveraging existing tools, methods and guides that facilitate the acquisition of requesite skills and knowledge for developing innovatine energy solutions.


Facilitate exchange and partnerships between Europe and Africa on sustainable energy innovation.

SESA will promote a dedicated peer-to-peer exchange programme that will facilitate exchange among local authority officials, and entrepreneurs to share their experiences.


Enable innovators in African urban and rural communities to leap to sustainable energy.

The development of energy solutions require multi-stakeholder involvement, SESA will initiate partnerships among local and European companies to facilitate joint development on innovative initiatives.


Co-develop, innovate and replicate innovative energy solutions tailored to urban and rural contexts across Africa.

Cities and rural counties will be supported in implementing these solutions, which will include technical feasibility, cost-benefit assessments for up-scaling institutional and governance analysis, among others


Foster long term partnerships and exchange on innovative sustainable energy solutions.

SESA will help integrate the innovations initiated and validated by the project into local, national and global policy, finance and business decision making processes.