In a world that is becoming increasingly digitally connected, the issue of equitable access remains a significant barrier, particularly in remote and underserved rural communities. Through the SESA EU project, the Basic Internet Foundation is committed to addressing this gap and fostering inclusive digital landscapes.
This webinar is an opportunity to explore the landscape of rural internet access in Africa through the Europe – Africa collaboration. We will delve into the essential aspects of this endeavour, ranging from the obstacles that hinder effective connectivity to the innovative solutions that are transforming lives.
By participating in this webinar, you will gain insights into the following:
Your participation in this webinar contributes to a crucial dialogue aimed at ensuring that no community is left behind in the digital age, and your recommendations will help inform the path towards an inclusive digital future, and smart energy solutions.
The webinar is part of the capacity building programme and linked to the online course SESA experts created on the NUA campus platform.