SESA Project Regional Event in Ghana

Sep 25, 2023

SESA – Smart Energy Solutions for Africa is a collaborative project between the European Union and nine African countries (Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, and Tanzania) that aims at providing access to energy technologies and business models that are easily replicable and generate local opportunities for economic development and social cohesion in Africa.

The project is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme. An integral element of the SESA project is Regional Capacity Building in West Africa, North Africa, East Africa, and South Africa. The capacity building is to facilitate the seamless integration and upscaling of proven technologies and innovative business models for sustainable and smart energy solutions at both the national and local levels. In Ghana, the project is working with relevant stakeholders to delve deep into existing barriers and pinpoint critical policy gaps in selected energy technology solutions. This analytical groundwork will lay the foundation for the development of refined policy recommendations and, the upscaling of proven technologies to innovative business models for sustainable energy.

The regional event is being hosted by Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED, Kumasi), which is a Consortium member of the SESA project. The event is also supported by SESA Consortium members: ICLEI Africa, ICLEI Europe, Technical University Berlin (TUB), Smart Innovation Norway, and Urban Electric Mobility Initiative.

Given the above, we kindly invite academics and policymakers with expertise in energy, stakeholders, and SMEs in renewable energy in Ghana and the West African sub-region to participate in the event being organized by SESA and its partners to validate identified barriers hindering the upscaling of smart energy technologies in Ghana and West Africa as a whole.

We anticipate your participation and look forward to your invaluable contributions to our shared vision of a sustainable energy future.


Magdalena Sikorowska

SESA Project Coordinator


Contact email:


Prof. Isaac Boateng

Ag. Director, ITPDLL

AAMUSTED – Kumasi, Ghana